May is traditionally a month dedicated to Mary. During May it has also been a long tradition to crown images of Mary with fresh flowers. Often these flowers are symbols of qualities of Mary. May is a perfect time to reflect on the qualities and virtues of Mary and pray to our Mother to teach us to trace these virtues into our own hearts and lives.
During the month watch this blog for a variety of titles given to Mary as well as flowers that are symbolic reminders of Mary’s virtues and relationship with us.
We start May with the beautiful picture of Mary which is a mosaic that Saint Pope John Paul II had installed in 1982 into the wall overlooking Saint Peter’s Square. This mosaic called “Mary Mother of the Church,” was installed one year after the Pope survived an attempt on his life. The mosaic depicts Mary tenderly holding the Christ Child, and below them is the coat of arms and motto of Pope John Paul II, Totus Tuus, which translates, Totally Yours. The icon reminds us that Jesus and Mary want to be with each of us “totally” and we in turn desire to belong “totally” to them.
Today’s flower: The forget-me-not is an early spring flower. This delicate and bright blue flower has for hundreds of years reminded Christians of the deep blue eyes of the Mother of Jesus. Mary like the forget-me-not flowers watches over us gently, lovingly, and tenaciously. Anyone who has ever planted forget-me-not seeds in their garden knows that these delicate flowers seed themselves and pop up everywhere. Mary, our loving Mother cares deeply for each of us and pops up everywhere in our lives trying to direct us closer and closer to her Son Jesus.