Today we join the Church in celebrating the beautiful Feast of the Annunciation! This is the day that God sent His Angel Gabriel to ask a young virgin, Mary of Nazareth to become the Virgin Mother of His Son, Jesus! God was inviting a young, loving and humble woman to begin God’s dream of redeeming love.
Today is also special to the our Congregation as it was on the Feast of the Annunciation that Blessed Celine’s younger daughter, Hedwig, answered God’s invitation to partner with her mother in founding our Congregation! What a beautiful day!
Today, March 25, 2022, Pope Francis invites all of us to join him in consecrating Russia and the Ukraine to the patronage and protection of Mary.
As we join in prayer, I would like to share a copy of the painting of the Annunciation which Father Peter Semenenko gave to Hedwig in remembrance of this special day!