Other Ministries
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Around the world, the Sisters of the Resurrection are involved in many ministries. Over the years we have undertaken various ministries by responding to the needs of people in a specific area.
The sisters minister to the homeless and needy, orphans, young adults, families, the elderly and dying, the homebound, children in day care centers and people with disabilities. We make special effort to reach out to women and children in need.
Sisters of the Resurrection minister as catechists, sacristans, organists, retreat and spiritual directors, missionaries, ministers of the Eucharist, day care workers, parish and pastoral care workers, social workers, teachers and administrators. We can be found in parish centers and parish offices, archdiocesan offices, schools, social centers, day care centers, retirement centers, and in homes visiting the sick, the aged and homebound. Some sisters minister within the congregation as receptionists, cooks, administrators and directors.
The ministries of the Church are the ministries of the sisters throughout the world, and we are always willing to serve wherever there is a need.