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Born: May 31, 1930
Died: February 10, 2023
Age: 92
Years in the Congregation: 74
Sister Laura, baptized Margaret, was born on May 31, 1930 in Galloway, Wisconsin to John and Martha Swedowski. She was the youngest of 13 children.
As a young girl Margaret accompanied her aunt to Chicago to visit her cousin Sister Consolata. It was
on that visit that Margaret felt attracted to the Sisters of the Resurrection.
In 1948, at the age of 18, Margaret entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection and
became known as Sister Laura. Sister Laura wrote: “I felt a call to love and bring Jesus to others, so I
responded, yes, to God.”
Sister Laura graduated from De Paul University in 1971. Her prayer to bring Jesus to others was
answered, as for 45 years she prepared children for their First Holy Communion. That was the joy of
her life, helping children come to know and love Jesus as their life-time friend. She loved teaching and
believed “every child is capable of having dreams and of learning.” After retiring from teaching, Sister
Laura served as sacristan at the Provincial Home. She felt this was a privilege and a blessing.
Anyone who lived with or knew Sister Laura experienced her love for Jesus ripple into their life. She was
quiet but shared her heart freely writing notes of support, of praise, or finding the right card for the right
occasion on which to write an inspiring note.
Sister Laura loved being a Resurrection Sister and wrote in her jottings that she was energized by the
genuine living of the Paschal Mystery and being a bearer of hope, peace, and joy to others. She did
bring joy to others with her warm friendly smile which she shared with everyone.
During the last four months of her life Sister Laura shared deeply in Christ’s Passion. Often she said:
“thank all the Sisters for their prayers, cards, and visits.” These gave her courage and strength. She was
grateful for and treasured the calls, cards, visits, and flowers she received from her nieces and nephews.
But most of all Sister Laura said often how grateful she was for the gift of Sister Rosemary’s friendship.
Sister Rosemary was a loving faith companion on this final journey, spending hours at Sister Laura’s bedside in prayer and helping her stay focused on the love of her life, Jesus, whom she would soon
meet face to face.
At the age of 18 Sister Laura gave her heart and life to Jesus, at the age of 92, Jesus gave Sister Laura
a special gift, Viaticum – His body and His presence for the journey. Less than twelve hours after
receiving Jesus, Sister Laura died on February 10, 2023.
The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Province are grateful to God for the gift of Sister Laura. Sister
was an inspiration to us. She was a prayerful, joyful, faithful and kind religious.Sister Laura’s funeral Mass was celebrated at Saint Paul of the Cross Church in Park Ridge, Illinois. The Pastor, Father James Wallace was the main celebrant and Bishop Robert Kurtz, C.R. and Father Paul Sims, C.R. were concelebrants.