Our Spirituality

Our Spirituality

As Sisters of the Resurrection, our spirituality is based on the transforming power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that His resurrection is the ultimate expression of hope and love, and that, empowered by His example, we are able to accept pain and suffering, and transform those incidences into a new life of peace and joy. We strive to embody that same sense of hope and love in all aspects of our lives as we work in our ministries and with the Church toward the renewal of society. As Sisters of the Resurrection we:

  • Are alert to the signs of the times, discerning the needs of society and responding to them according to our gifts.
  • Uphold the dignity and potential of women in bringing about the renewal of society.
  • Are women of compassion who enter into the suffering of others and offer hope.
  • Celebrate the Paschal gift of reconciliation in our own lives and in the lives of others.
  • Imitate Mary in her openness to the Holy Spirit and her faithfulness in discipleship.
  • Minister in leadership and service according to the mind and heart of the Church.
Blessed Celine Borzecka

The Profession Cross of the Sisters of the Resurrection Every Sister of the Resurrection receives a silver cross to wear around her neck upon professing her final vows. The cross includes symbols of our spirituality.

  • At the top – the Resurrection Banner, a sign of triumph and glory
  • At the bottom – Ave Maria, a symbol of our devotion to Mary, Mother of God
  • At the center – Chi-Rho, a Greek symbol meaning Christ
  • On the sides – Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet representing God as the beginning and end of all things

The basis of the spirituality of the Congregation is the Paschal Mystery of Salvation. By His death on the cross Christ overcame death; by His rising, He restored life. We trust and firmly believe that, through Christ's power and out of love for Him, we too will be able to die to self and become partakers of that new, true and everlasting life which He gives to all who rise with him. The spirituality of the Congregation is summarized in the words engraved on our profession cross: "Through the cross and death to resurrection and glory." (Constitutions #3)